What it encapsulates: The realisation of what your children will go through. Key lyrics: “ Can you understand why I want a daughter while I’m still young? / I want to hold her hand and show her some beauty before this damage is done” Key lyrics: “ Time makes you bolder / Even children get older / I’m getting older too” He sings about all the things he wants her to experience, from falling in love and getting married to having children of her own. What it encapsulates: The repercussions of that lie you told when you were 17? C’mon, grow up. In the song 'My Wish' by Rascal Flatts, the narrator expresses his desire for his daughter to have a happy and fulfilling life when she is growing up. Key lyrics: “ I’m seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights”
What it encapsulates: The importance of holding on to the bits of youth that matter.Ģ8. Key lyrics: “ Stand upright and be strong / May you stay forever young” What it encapsulates: Getting there, and wondering why things aren’t quite so hard any more.
Key lyrics: “ I had a life in my head / I’d be pushing up that hill until those toes bled / Now I gotta learn this new stage / Didn’t see it coming / My coming of age”